Optimizing Life One Insight At A Time.

Life's Knapsack Problem

Imagine you have a bag that you'd like to fill. It has limits on the weight/volume of items that it can hold.

Your goal is to fill the bag with items that have maximum value to you without exceeding the weight/volume limits of the bag. This is the famous knapsack problem in Computer Science.

Optimsight is built on the insight that life itself is a knapsack problem. We humans are constantly trying to optimize & balance various dimensions of life to fill up life's knapsack.

Dimensions Of Life To Optimize

To optimize means to make something as effective, perfect, or useful as possible. But what should you optimize? The goal is to optimize the following six dimensions of your life. The results across each of these dimensions compound over time. Over optimizing a few dimensions while neglecting the other dimensions can result in imbalances that are hard to correct due to the compounding nature of each dimension.

Time waits for no one. All of life is a race against time. Optimizing your time is optimizing your life.

Health is wealth. A healthy body and healthy mind are prerequisites for long-term growth and success.

Wealth is the physical manifestation of the direction of your life energy. It is an IOU (I Owe You) from society for your contributions in enriching the lives of others.

Knowledge is a fundamental physical quantity. Life is the physical embodiment of knowledge.

Homo sapiens cannot exist in isolation. The people dimension is about your external relationship with other people in the world.

Inner Wellbeing is a state of peace and balance within yourself. It is a reflection of your relationship with yourself and the world.

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